Awesome Games Done Quick 2021's schedule includes over 170 charity speedruns
Hades! Sekiro! Celeste! More!
Games Done Quick has unveiled the full schedule for its 2021 Awesome Games Done Quick charity speed-running event, which - as was the case with this year's Summer Games Done Quick - will adopt an entirely online format in reponse to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 will run from January 3rd to January 10th, with all money raised going to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. It'll feature more than 170 speedruns over the course of its seven-day runtime, offering the usual mix of mega-budget triple-A titles, smaller-scale indie offerings, retro classics, and occasional oddities.
A quick glance down the very long speedrun list offers up the likes of Supergiant Games' masterful dungeon runner Hades, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Capcom's cult classic horror treat Haunting Ground, Night in the Woods' rogue-like DemonTower mini-game, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, and plenty more.

Just like this year's online-only summer event, Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 won't have a live venue component, and all runners will be participating from the safety of their own homes. There will, however, still be a studio portion, and the whole thing will be watchable via Twitch. Exact streaming details should appear on Games Done Quick's website closer to the time.
This year's Awesome Games Done Quick event, which took place in January, raised over $3.13m million USD for the Prevent Cancer Foundation.