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Assassin's Creed Recollection now on iPhone

Free to download, Assassin's Creed 3 art included.

iPad card battler Assassin's Creed Recollection is now available for iPhone and iPod Touch, Ubisoft has announced.

Recollection is also now completely free to download. Booster packs of cards are available to buy through in-app purchases.

The cards feature characters and locations from the console games, allowing you to trump grumpy AC1 assassin Altair with evil AC2 boss Cesare Borgia. Or something like that.

The latest update to Recollection also includes artwork from the newly revealed Assassin's Creed 3 which stars a new half-British, half-Native American protagonist named Connor.

Recollection has a new cloud-saving option too, allowing you to upload your library of cards to Ubisoft's server so you can play on another device.

Assassin's Creed Recollection on iPad.

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