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Ashly Burch to return for Life is Strange: Before the Storm bonus episode

Max excitement.

Life is Strange's original stars Ashly Burch and Hannah Telle have both been confirmed as returning for the bonus episode of prequel Before the Storm.

Due to hit in early 2018, the episode will see Burch return to the role she originated, following the recent, lengthy voice actor strike. It will also mark the first time Burch and Telle have recorded together since the original Life is Strange.

Before the Storm (whose third and final main episode is expected later this month) has instead starred Rhianna DeVrie as Chloe, in a performance which has fought off all scepticism surrounding the switch. Burch, meanwhile, has remained on the project through the strike as a writer.

For the bonus episode, DeVrie will remain as Chloe's mo-cap actor.

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Before the Storm is set several years before the events of the original Life is Strange series, when Max has temporarily left Chloe and Arcadia Bay behind for school elsewhere. It charts the meeting of Chloe and Rachel Amber, whose disappearance played a large part in the first game's plot. The bonus episode is a side-story where fans can see Max and Chloe reunited one last time.

"The team here were thrilled to hear the news that both Hannah Telle and Ashly Burch were able to come back together again to voice Max and Chloe," developer Deck Nine Games exec Jeff Litchford said. "We were really happy with Rhianna DeVrie's performance as Chloe in Before the Storm and the fan reaction to her has been great, she'll continue to work closely with us as part of a really close team we have created."

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