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GBA gets LS3D

Another 3D graphics engine for the humble hand-held

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's only a few days since AGB Games were wowing us with screenshots of their latest 3D game demo, and already today another British developer has popped up with their own handheld graphics engine. This time it's Sheffield-based Logik State pushing the polygons on the GameBoy Advance, with snowboarding and driving demos gracing the early screenshots. The company are claiming performance in the region of 2500 fully texture mapped polygons a second, and the engine comes complete with 3D collision detection, particle system and animated texture support. While the GBA isn't going to be giving the latest consoles (or even the last generation, for that matter) any worries, it does show that the handheld is capable of more than just rehashes of old Amiga and SNES games. Related Feature - AGB Games shifts focus

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