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Hooray for the Morally Reprehensible

Action Replay 2 comes to the PlayStation 2, with an onslaught of tools for picking the thing apart

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

If you've never owned an Action Replay cartridge for one of your consoles, here's where that ought to change. The Action Replay 2 for PlayStation 2 is going to feature all kinds of abilities. Here's an ever-so-brief rundown. Click the link just back there for the extensive press release:-

All in all, the AR2, which will retail at £29.99, looks like it could completely revolutionize the PlayStation 2, in much the same way as it did on the other consoles. Of course, the burning question is, will it include options for operating import games. The AR2 was famed for being good at this on other systems. We don't know yet, but will bring you more information as well as an in-depth look at the AR2 as soon as we have one very soon.

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