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Another World live-action short film is out of this world

Has the "full support" of Eric Chahi, needs money to finish.

Eric Chahi's 1991 adventure game, Another World (or Out of This World, as it's known in North America), has been envisioned as a live-action short film by Polish director Bartek Hławka and his collaborators at Project 23.

As detailed on the project's official site, the three-minute video was originally conceived as a promotional video for gaming event Pixel Heaven 2014, but it became clear that the studio was onto something special with this, so it was elaborated upon over the course of 800 hours to make the short film you see before you.

The project had the "full support" of Eric Chahi, but due to budget and time constraints Project 23 was only able to make an intro movie that ends as something of a trailer for the adventure to come.

As such, the filmmakers would like to expand upon it, turning it into an at least 15-minute short film. "We have a lot concept designs for most recognisable parts of Another World, they are our foundation for the next step of our work," Project 23 stated. The studio then asked for feedback on wheher it should start a Kickstarter campaign to bring the full concept to fruition. What do you think?

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