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Zynga is shuttering half of its Q4 releases following their disappointing performance

RIP Cityville 2, The Friend Game and Party Place. We hardly knew ye.

Not that Friend game.

Zynga is closing down three of the six titles it launched last quarter following their disappointing performance, the company announced in a financial call today.

Facebook games Cityville 2 and The Friend Game didn't make the cut. Neither did the mobile release, Party Place.

The survivors were Bubble Safari Ocean, CoasterVille and mobile title Ayakashi.

The casual game publishing behemoth has been hemorrhaging money, but it seems to be patching the wound as it only posted a net loss of $209.4 million in 2012, nearly halving its staggering $404.3 million loss from the previous year. Also, the Q4 net loss was $48.6 million, a sharp improvement over the $435 million loss during the same time last year.

Meanwhile, its Q4 2012 revenue of $311.1 million was almost exactly the same as its $311.2 million revenue the previous year, and its year-end revenue came to $1.28 billion, 12 per cent up over 2011's $1.15 billion.

THIS Friend game.

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