Xbox One to launch in China on 23rd September
Kinect-less bundle with Neverwinter Online and more for around £350.
Microsoft will officially launch Xbox One in China on 23rd September, the company has announced.

The basic console bundle will be priced at ¥3,699 (around £350) - the same price that Xbox One costs in the UK now without Kinect.
This version does not include Kinect, but instead comes with Powerstar Golf and Neverwinter Online, a free Xbox Live Gold subscription until March 2015, two year's warranty plus content from Chinese TV service BesTV.
A more expensive version with Kinect is also available priced at ¥4299 (about £411). As well as a Kinect sensor it also includes Kinect Sports Rivals, Forza 5 GOTY Edition, Neverwinter Online and Powerstar Golf, along with in-game credit.
BesTV content includes on-demand movies and TV shows, premium sports coverage (such as the English Premier League) plus two free movies per month.
China lifted its 14-year ban on foreign console sales at the beginning of this year - although grey-market foreign imports were still widely available.
The country's decision to allow console sales means it can now police the games which get officially released with a set of fairly stringent guidelines.
"Things that are hostile to China, or not in conformity with the outlook of China's government, won't be allowed," China's Ministry of Culture head Cai Wu previously explained. "We want to open the window a crack to get some fresh air, but we still need a screen to block the flies and mosquitoes."