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Xbox One headed to Asia in 2014, no ETA for Japan

Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, India.

Update: Microsoft told Famitsu (via Lifeflower) that Xbox One will head to Japan but there's no word on when.

"Microsoft plans to release Xbox One as new-gen all-in-one system in Japan," said a Microsoft Japan PR rep, quote kindly translated by Lifeflower. "Release date and more details to be announced at an appropriate time."

(Microsoft PR has just sent Eurogamer an almost identical statement: "Microsoft does plan to launch Xbox One," it said, "the ultimate new-generation all-in-one entertainment system, in Japan - we look forward to confirming timing and other details at a later stage.")

Original story: Xbox One will be released in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and India in late 2014.

Microsoft Asia's Alan Bowman explained it as a "staged approach", speaking to the Wall Street Journal following the press conferences yesterday.

That time will aid Microsoft in accruing a load of localised content for those regions where apparently Xbox is a best-seller (not clear whether the WSJ means Xbox or Xbox 360). Games such as FIFA, Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy were mentioned.

Bowman hopes the Xbox One announcement will gee-up Xbox sales over there, and thinks Asia will appreciate Microsoft's new machine for its improved Kinect camera that works in smaller rooms - a common occurrence in those parts of the world.

Xbox 360 bet on Japan and lost, typically selling units in the hundreds rather than the thousands each week.

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