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World of Darkness MMO reveal soon?

"Something really big" at September con.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

There's talk that EVE Online developer CCP is to lift the lid on its World of Darkness vampire MMO at a fan convention in September.

The convention, called The Grand Masquerade, is a gathering for devotees of the World of Darkness pen-and-paper role-playing games made by White Wolf, which CCP now owns. It takes place in New Orleans from 23rd to 26th September.

Shane DeFreest, World of Darkness community developer for CCP and White Wolf, told horror fan site Flames Rising: "The big news that I can't really give to many details on is that we've got something really big we want to show our fans first.

"Friday at sundown is where we give everyone the first look at the future of the World of Darkness. If you have been a fan of our games for two months or two decades you won't want to miss what we have to say."

There's no guarantee that this reveal will be about CCP's MMO based on the World of Darkness universe; it might just be a White Wolf project.

CCP's World of Darkness was first announced when the two companies merged back in 2006. Little is known about it, other than it will apply the EVE Online philosophy of sandbox, player-led MMO design to World of Darkness' contemporary setting of supernatural horror and political intrigue.

With CCP also working on EVE console shooter spin-off DUST 514 and station-side avatar expansion Incarna - and not known for hurrying development - holding your breath for World of Darkness isn't advisable.

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