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Wii U to feature facial recognition?

"It's certainly possible," says Iwata.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed that the camera built-in to the Wii U controller may feature facial recognition.

Speaking in the latest Iwata Asks, he revealed: "It certainly seems possible from an engineering standpoint that the camera will recognize you if you position the new controller to look at you".

He cited WiiFit as an example of why this would be useful. As seen in the the Wii U reveal trailer (see below), the controller can be used in conjunction with the Balance Board so you can weigh yourself without using a TV.

Facial recognition – as it does with Microsoft's Kinect – would speed the whole process up. "It would be much more accessible if all you have to do is to hold it, press a button and stand on the Wii Balance Board," Iwata added.

"I think so," Shigeru Miyamoto agreed. "I hope it turns out that way".

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