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Watch: We made mirelurk cakes from Fallout

VATS delicious.

The food you stumble across in the Fallout universe tends to fall into two camps; surviving products from before the bombs fell (three cheers for preservatives) and dodgy looking cuisine made from whatever's lying around - or trying to tear your face off.

One such dish is mirelurk cakes, a recipe for which can be found in Fallout 3. I've been having a lot of fun cooking up video game food recently - you may have caught the recipe for Final Fantasy 15's horntooth pie or hagfish dumplings from Dishonored 2 - so I decided to grab a frying pan and give it a go myself. True to the franchise they turned out a bit, well, S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

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If you fancy making mirelurk cakes for yourself, I've added my recipe (such as it is) below.


2 tins crab meat (or fresh crab if you can get it)

4 large eggs

75-100g breadcrumbs

2 spring onions, chopped finely

1 squirt of mayo (which I forgot to include because I am an idiot)

1 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp smoked paprika

A pinch of salt and pepper

1 tbsp oil


Beat eggs lightly in a mixing bowl, then add all other ingredients except the oil. Mix well.

Heat the oil in a pan, then add a generous spatula full of your mixture to the pan. Pat down, then form into a round. Fry until cooked all the way through and brown on both sides.

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