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Ubisoft's top secret game

User-created content is key.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Big cheese Yves Guillemot has said Ubisoft is working on a top secret game based around user-created content.

He spilled the beans in his keynote speech at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival earlier today, where he touched on the importance of letting us lot get creative.

"The goal is really to make sure our consumers become creators," said Guillemot. "We need to put gamers in the spotlight and recognise their creativity and make sure that our consumers are the stars."

Actual details on the game are scarce, but we're being lead to believe it will be based around a powerful and easy to understand tool set, so that we can whip up our own adventures.

Once you've finished your masterpiece, you'll be able to shift it out to the community to cast their homogeneous eye over it, hopefully encouraging you to give it another go with the aim of making something even better.

Eventually Guillemot sees a utopia where Ubisoft will be able to monetise the work that's being done.

Sony recently announced a similar strategy with PlayStation Home and LittleBigPlanet. The latter will let you build and create your own entertainment within a quirky world that's really one giant tool set.

Pop over to our LittleBigPlanet gamepage to see what it's all about.

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