Ubisoft's latest Might and Magic game combines Battle Royale with Auto Chess
Out later this month on PC and mobile.
If any two genres could be said to have defined gaming in 2019, the continued popularity of Battle Royale and the rise of Auto Chess might certainly fit the bill. So it's a bit of a surprise that it's taken a publisher this long to combine them, but here with are with Ubsoft's latest Might and Magic offering, Chess Royale, now confirmed to arrive this month on PC and mobile.
Chess Royale - and hats off to the person that slaved over that name, by the way - borrows its fantasy setting and menagerie of beasts from the long-running Might and Magic series.
Here, however, more traditional turn-based strategy shenanigans make way for some thoroughly modern auto-battling. "Choose your hero, build your powerful team, recruit new units, create synergies," explains Ubisoft in a fit of brevity.

Matches should be relatively brisk affairs, with Ubisoft suggesting each will last around 10 minutes, and players will test their strategic mettle against 99 opponents in a bid to be the last one standing. The various early access gameplay videos currently doing the rounds indicate eliminations will occur through rapid-fire 1v1 face-offs until a solitary victor remains.
Might and Magic: Chess Royale comes to PC (via Uplay), iOS, and Android on 30th January .