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Ubisoft didn't show a new Splinter Cell tonight, but Sam Fisher did show up

In a mobile game.

Ah, Sam Fisher. What does Ubisoft have planned for the stealth hero next? A starring role in a new mobile game, it seems.

During the Ubisoft Forward event tonight, the company showed a new trailer for Tom Clancy's Elite Squad, a kind of Tom Clancy all-stars (I know) action RPG for mobile devices drenched in a Fortnite-style graphics style.

Sam Fisher is in the trailer, complete with iconic night vision goggles, alongside characters from the likes of Rainbow Six (Montagne and Caveira), Ghost Recon (El Sueño from Wildlands), and The Division. There are five versus five battles in a campaign mode as well as competitive multiplayer. Tom Clancy's Elite Squad comes out 27th August 2020 on the App Store and the Google Play Store.

Watch on YouTube

Now, as you'd expect, Splinter Cell fans are having their fun with this announcement, in lieu of the announcement of a new mainline Splinter Cell game. I saw a fair few choice words in the chat during the show itself, and the comments on the trailer on YouTube are, well, as you'd expect. Perhaps Ubisoft does have a new Splinter Cell up it sleeve. But for now, Sam Fisher fans have to contend with cameos in other games, such as this.

And what about Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Quarantine? Perhaps we'll hear more about that in the next Ubisoft Forward event... with a new name?

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