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There will be Blood again

1997 horror PC game back from the dead.

Blood, the cult horror PC first-person shooter from 1997, is coming back.

Blood franchise owner Atari has set Nightdive Studios, which has developed new versions of System Shock and Turok, to work on this latest re-release. Nightdive said to expect various improvements and compatibility updates.

Blood was originally developed by Monolith Productions (F.E.A.R., Shadow of Mordor) and is a Doom-esque gory first-person shooter. The video below shows off gameplay.

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Daniel Grayshon, producer of the re-release, said: "Blood stood up extremely well over time and we are taking care to preserve all the qualities that made the game so special. It really only needs minor updates to provide a better user experience for contemporary audiences. By using some of the functions of Nightdive's KEX engine, we'll be able to provide compatibility with today's video standards, with DirectX and Vulkan support.

"Similarly, we'll provide compatibility with the current audio standards. We'll add support for modern networks, Steamworks, and GOG Galaxy to bring this original game to more players. As part of this, we will preserve the accuracy of the game behaviour. While these upgrades are relatively minor, we are confident that they will provide fans with a better, current generation gameplay experience."

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