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The Walking Dead Game Jam chooses a winner

Remember the Fallen.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The Walking Dead's "All out War"-themed Game Jam has come to a close with the surreal, monochrome first-person exploration-based Remember the Fallen emerging as the victor.

Developed by Joe Kinglake and Bradley Smith in a 48 hour time crunch, Remember the Fallen tasks players with leisurely exploring a derelict black & white wintry environment and collecting red poppy flowers to leave at makeshift graves comprised of pots on sticks. According to its developer, Remember the Fallen was "inspired by imagery from the atomic attacks of 1945 and Chaplin's famous speech in The Great Dictator."

"A fantastic environment with a bit of emotional time killing," said The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman of Remember the Fallen. "An amazing effort that I wouldn't think is possible in the time allowed. Bravo."

Kirkman - whose favourite games include Marble Madness, Mario Galaxy and Uncharted 2 - had the final say in choosing the winner after yours truly and a number of other judges (including USGamer's Jaz Rignall) narrowed the finalists down.

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All 10 finalists are to receive a full Unity Pro license, Steam Greenlight key, and some cool swag like signed copies of The Walking Dead comics and a T-shirt.

There were plenty of other rad games on display as well, including Human Shield, in which you play as a politician saving the world by diving in front of other diplomats in slow motion during an assassination attempt. The more bullets you can absorb, the more national leaders you'll save, preventing an worldwide crisis. Fun stuff.

You can play Remember the Fallen along with all the other finalists on The Walking Dead Game Jam's official site and watch each entry's trailer here.

In other The Walking Dead news, it's the one-year anniversary of the iOS adventure The Walking Dead Assault, which is being given away for free for two days to commemorate the occasion. EG-contributor Rich Stanton called Assault "a smart and sometimes fraught blend of running and gunning with the highest production values," in his review last year.

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