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The Tomorrow Children shuts down in November

Just over a year after it came out.

The Tomorrow Children shuts down on 1st November, Sony has announced.

That's the day online services for the PlayStation 4 exclusive end - just over a year after the game came out.

Q-Games' quasi MMO town-building tower-defense sandbox game promised much but struggled at launch. Our Chris Donlan gave The Tomorrow Children a go for a few days in September and found it a fascinating experience, if not a particularly rousing ride: "There is something so carefully made, so lovingly crafted about The Tomorrow Children, that I found it hard to set aside even when I wasn't having much of what you might traditionally call fun."

On 28th September, Sony will pull The Tomorrow Children from the PlayStation Store and remove the Founders Pack and Freeman Dollars from sale. Given the nature of the game, you won't be able to play The Tomorrow Children after the service ends on 1st November.

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"There is only a short amount of time remaining, however The Tomorrow Children development and operations team hope that you can all continue to enjoy our title until the end of service," reads a note on the Japanese PlayStation website.

"And we would like to extend our thanks and best wishes to you all who continue to enjoy and play our game."

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