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The Realm Kickstarter fails "but the war is not over yet!"

Developer Atomhawk will try again.

The Kickstarter campaign for pretty adventure game The Realm has failed, raising only half its £195,000 goal - but developer Atomhawk has vowed to try again.

"The lack of US payments was a crucial factor in hurting our campaign," the dev wrote on Kickstarter, "so we plan to relaunch the campaign later this year with a US account.

"Also a lot of you wanted to see some game footage so we are going to work on that too and come back stronger!"

The Realm is a point-and-click adventure game inspired by Ico and its emotional bond between two characters. The story follows a girl forced from her village in search of a rare medicinal flower that will cure her sick mother. Along the way, however, she bumps into huge stone golem and an unlikely friendship springs up.

Together they venture into an ruined city where an ancient menace lurks, and it's their interaction - their strengths and weaknesses - that you'll use to overcome puzzles along the way.

The world, the art, looks lovely, and it's of particular importance to the team, which wants to set "a new artistic benchmark for the point-and-click genre".

It'll be nice to see this one again.

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