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The new Microsoft CEO earns how much?

He'll be fine.


Microsoft has given Satya Nadella, its new CEO, a raise. His basic annual salary is now $1.2m - payable semi-monthly.

That's according to an SEC filing posted yesterday (US law requires Nadella's compensation be made public), spotted by

There's more, of course. Much more. Nadella is a part of Microsoft's Executive Incentive Program. This includes a cash award - a bonus - of up to 300 per cent of his salary earned for the remainder of the 2014 fiscal year and all of the 2015 fiscal year. And it includes a stock award for the company's 2015 fiscal year, worth a whopping $13.2m.

And there's more. Nadella will receive a one-off stock award based on Microsoft's total shareholder return relative to the performance of the Standard & Poor 500 index as it stands at the end of three overlapping, five-year performance periods. The shareholder return will determine the stock award. So, in effect, the better Microsoft does, the more shares Nadella will receive.

And here's a good one: Microsoft will reimburse Nadella for the "reasonable expenses incurred in negotiating the terms of your employment" up to $50,000.

Looks like Nadella will be able to afford an Xbox One, then.

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