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The Darkness 2 and Warframe developer announces F2P FPS Keystone

Sign up for this weekend's closed alpha.

The Darkness 2 and Warframe developer Digital Extremes has announced a new free-to-play first-person-shooter called Keystone.

Little is known about the game other than the developer's description of it being a "competitive first-person shooter with a distinct blend of first-person action and deck-building strategies."

We also have a piece of art showing what its characters look like:

"With the look and feel of the 1970's retro-pulp era, Keystone will take players on a journey through a multi-verse that begins on the starting square of an intriguing, mystical board game," Digital Extremes teased.

"Players will wield unique decks of cards throughout the match that offer handy benefits, amazing powers, and fearsome weapons. With timing and resourcefulness, personally customised decks give players the upper hand in battle both individually and when strategically coupled with teammates' decks."

Should you want to get in on this mysterious action early, Digital Extremes has put up a sign-up sheet for the closed alpha kicking off later this week from Friday through Monday. Those allowed in will be notified on Thursday.

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