Super Smash Bros. 3DS will feature a Tomodachi Life stage
Inhabited by your friends' Miis.
The 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. will have an exclusive stage based on Tomodachi Life.
Series director Masahiro Sakurai announced the upcoming stage earlier today on Miiverse. He noted that the front walls of the living quarters will disappear if players are behind them. "Planting an X Bomb behind a wall might be an effective tactic," he suggested.
Sakurai also noted that the rooms will be randomly generated and Mii characters will be taken from your 3DS's data and inserted into the stage's background. "You could find your friends living in the apartments," he added.
For more information on this reboot's new additions, our Tom Phillips went in detail with the upcoming brawler in his Super Smash Bros. preview, wherein he said "the 3DS and Wii U versions' added character options, the promise of an as-yet unknown Wii U single-player mode, the array of new maps, Amiibo integration and other surprises mean I think the wait will have been worthwhile."
Super Smash Bros. is due on 3DS worldwide on 3rd October, while its Wii U counterpart is still slated for winter.