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Sumo's latest arcade racer channels Scud Race and other 90s greats

Introducing the high octane, low polygon Hotshot Racing.

The 90s are back - as if they ever really went away - with the delicious looking Hotshot Racing that's coming to PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch this spring.

It's from Lucky Mountain Games, who can count the likes of Burnout and Midnight Club on their CV, with help from Sumo Digital - who've pretty much bossed the arcade racing genre over the past decade - with Curve Digital on publishing duties.

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There's a heavy helping of Sega AM2 boldness to it all with blue skies and high-energy music, with some 16 tracks and eight different drivers to choose from, though the most pleasing figure being bandied around is the 60fps action that's promised across all platforms. There'll also be splitscreen and online multiplayer, and I'm sure a bit more besides.

You might be a little familiar with Hotshot Racing from its previous incarnation as Racing Apex, though it looks to have come on a long way since then. We'll hopefully have more for you on Hotshot Racing in the near future.

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