Steam should now recommend a better spread of games to you
Like Shark Dating Simulator XL.
Steam has an issue with discoverability because there's loads there and things get buried. But Valve is working on improving it. Case in point: an update rolled out yesterday to improve the diversity of games being recommended to you.
There were a few problems with how it worked before, apparently. There weren't enough games showing in the 'More Like This' section; the 'Recommended for You' algorithm tended to prefer popular games; and the 'Similar by Tags' section was dominated by top-rated games - a list which doesn't change much.
The upshot was repetition, so Valve made some changes and rolled them out to five per cent of the userbase in the past few weeks. The result was people discovering and engaging with more games suited to their tastes, so it was a success, and as such has been rolled out to everyone else.

"We continue to make changes and run experiments like this in order to improve Steam's existing features," Valve wrote, "while we also explore entirely different ways for customers to find games they love."
One such experiment is underway on Steam Labs now - the Steam Interactive Recommender - and you can join the testing.