Steam adds a Recently Updated section
Get the latest on the games in your collection.
In order to help users keep up with game updates in this crazy digital world, Steam has added a Recently Updated section to its online store.
About a third of the way down the store homepage there's a box highlighting three games that have had recent updates. Along the corner you can click "see all" to go to a page detailing all the latest games to have received updates and new content.
A tab near the top of the screen will let you toggle between all games and just those that are in your collection.

Developers can use this section to better communicate exactly what it is they're adding to a game in an easy to access, digestible manner. "This public release was matched with a tools release that lets developers elect when to add their update to this product area and what to say about the contents of their latest update," Valve explained in its announcement.
"The more options developers have for communicating about their products, the better it is for everyone," said Valve's Tom Bui. "With this new product section and corresponding developer tools, customers can more easily discover products that provide ongoing value and involvement from the developers."