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Spider-Man PS4 dev reveals cool Easter egg no-one noticed

On a Saturday.

Spider-Man has plenty of Easter eggs. Some revolve around other Marvel characters, such as Daredevil and Iron Fist. Others are nods to characters from the comics you wouldn't immediately think of. You'd think, given the tremendous popularity of Insomniac's fun-filled PlayStation 4 exclusive, that no stone was left unturned over half-a-year after the game came out.

Not so.

Elan Ruskin, senior engine programmer at Insomniac, took to Twitter to reveal one Easter egg players hadn't picked up on (thanks, Kotaku).

In the game, the Orthodox Jewish NPCs don't appear on Saturdays (Orthodox Jews observe Shabbat, Judaism's day of rest, on Saturdays).

This relates to real-life Saturday, Ruskin confirmed. Spider-Man checks the clock on your PS4.

It's another lovely little detail in a game packed full of lovely little details. Oh, and if you're interested in more, Eurogamer's resident Marvel expert Aoife Wilson made a great video, below, that delves into Spider-Man's secrets and references, explaining their origins in the Marvel universe and ruling the roost over their realisation in Insomniac's superb open-world New York city.

Watch on YouTube

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