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Spanish man blackmails Nintendo

Uses stolen Wii data. Gets arrested.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A naughty Spanish man who tried to blackmail Nintendo with over 4000 stolen, personal Wii data files has been caught and cuffed by the police.

He who remains unnamed threatened to show these files to Spain's data protection agency and have Nintendo done for negligence, the BBC reports.

It's not clear what the naughty Spanish man wanted from Nintendo - a 3DS?

When Nintendo ignored the data-crook he started leaking the hacked information to the internet.

Spanish Police stepped in and made their arrest in Malaga. They went on to claim that naughty Spanish man had intended to leak the entire pile of stolen data onto the internet.

Nintendo couldn't comment on an active legal case. It's unclear whether the files were lifted from Nintendo or a third party.

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