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Space Channel 5 Pt 2 Dated for XBLA

Bass Fishing coming to download too.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

SEGA has dated two new downloads culled from its Dreamcast back catalogue, with Space Channel 5 Part 2 and SEGA Bass Fishing both coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in early October.

Both games featured on the poorly received Dreamcast Collection, and they follow Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi in getting a standalone download release.

They're priced at 800 MS Points, or £6.29 in real monies on the PlayStation Network.

SEGA Bass Fishing is a light arcade take on the world's smelliest sport, and it supports the PS3's Move controller, itself a descendant of the Dreamcast's Bass Fishing controller which started all this nonsense in the first place.

Space Channel 5 Part 2, on the other hand, is a rhythm action game from the now departed United Game Artists, and it boasts a cameo from none other than Michael Jackson. It's also camp, brilliant and was quite easily the highlight of the Dreamcast Collection when it launched earlier this year.

Both games will be hitting PSN on October 4, with an XBLA release coming a day later on October 5.

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