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Sony's E3 conference is a late one

The last of US keynote day.

Sony will, as ever, host the last E3 conference of a busy E3 keynote day - Monday, 9th June. The time difference means it's a late one for Europe: 2am in the UK and 3am in central Europe.

In the US, it starts at 6pm.

Well, that's one approach. And it's disturbing.

Presumably there will be an official video stream, although details haven't been announced. And we'll be there, reporting live from the event as well as from the UK. In other words, we can be tired together.

To recap, Microsoft kicks keynote day off, its conference starting 5.30pm BST. Then it's EA at 8pm BST and Ubisoft at 11pm BST. And again, we'll be reporting live from each one.

The next day - Tuesday, 10th June - Nintendo airs its pre-recorded video presentation at 5pm BST, having opted out of a live on-stage performance this year.

Get hype or, I don't know, have a bowl of cereal or something.

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