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Sony: we didn't say Kaz Hirai was president

The jewel of denial.

Hold your horses - Sony hasn't named Kaz Hirai as Sir Howard Stringer's presidential replacement just yet.

The company's top suits issued a statement to say that "nothing has been determined at this time".

Japanese news outlet Nikkei reported on Friday that Hirai could replace Stringer as soon as April.

Welshman Stringer, however, would retain chairman and chief executive officer roles.

Sony's response read: "Certain media reports were published on January 7th, 2012 regarding Sony Corporation's executive officers' appointments. Sony Corporation has made no announcement in this regard and nothing has been determined at this time."

Kaz Hirai replaced Ken Kutaragi as boss of PlayStation in late 2006/early 2007. In April 2009, Hirai was promoted again, this time to oversee the entire consumer half of Sony's business. It was then that many considered Hirai as being groomed to replace Stringer.

But we'll always remember Kaz Hirai for his barnstorming performance on stage at E3 2006, where he gave us "Riiiidge Racer" and much more.

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