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Sony Online Entertainment's mysterious H1Z1 project unveiled tonight

Viral marketing.

Everquest and Planetside publisher Sony Online Entertainment will tonight announce its next major project.

Preliminarily titled H1Z1, "the new game we haven't announced" is to be fully revealed this evening, SOE boss John Smedley confirmed via Twitter.

You can watch the announcement at 5pm PST (1am UK time) via 1337lounglive.

A spooky teaser site,, has also just gone live.

"You can play it yourself soon," Smedley continued, hinting at an imminent launch for the project. "And by play I mean play fully."

Two photos posted to Twitter back in January showed off a church building in a rural setting at sunset and then after dark, sparking speculation that H1Z1 would feature some kind of overnight survival gameplay.

The project's name is also reminiscent of the deadly H1N1 strain of flu virus. The inclusion of the letter Z has lead some to suggest it will involve a new disease variant which creates zombie-like infected.

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