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Snoop Dogg really wants NCAA Football 14 to get Xbox One back compatibility

"We need. 10,000 votes."

Snoop Dogg loves NCAA Football 14. How much does he love it? He loves it so much that he wants to play it all over again on his Xbox One.


And he wants some help to make it happen.

Snoop has asked his followers on Twitter and Instagram to help get his fave Xbox 360 game added to the Xbox One's back compatibility service.

In fact, he's asked them quite a lot - he's tweeted about it every day for nearly a week.

Thankfully, Xbox community manager Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb has finally noted Snoop's plea. "We'll be sure you add your request to the list," he replied.

Anyone can vote on the games they want made playable on Xbox One via Microsoft's Xbox Feedback site.

"We need. 10,000 votes," Snoop wrote in a Twitter post.

It looks like Snoop's influence has helped the game - it had 4670 votes when he first tweeted. It now has 5541.

NCAA Football 14 has risen to the seventh of 78 pages of Xbox 360 games that Microsoft is considering for the service.

But it is still nowhere close to being among the most-requested titles. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is the most asked-for game with 77k votes, followed by Red Dead Redemption on 75k and Skyrim on 70k.

Microsoft isn't due to launch its Xbox One back compatibility service publicly until this autumn, but Snoop is no doubt an Xbox One preview member and so is able to play the first backwards compatible Xbox 360 games as they are added to the program.

Will you heed his call?

Eurogamer meets Snoop Dogg.

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