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Sleeping Dogs developer puts down Triad Wars

"We know it wasn't right for many of you."

Remember Triad Wars? It's an online open-world action adventure game set in Hong Kong from the makers of Sleeping Dogs. Well, it was.

Now, it's no more, as developer United Front Games has announced the upcoming closure of the game, which had been in closed beta.

In a statement published to the Triad Wars forum, UFG stopped short of saying the game failed because it wasn't Sleeping Dogs 2, but reading between the lines it's pretty clear that was at least in part the cause.

Here's the statement:

Note the line about Triad Wars not being "right" for many players. When the game was announced in 2014 many Sleeping Dogs fans hoping for a sequel reacted with disappointment. Here's hoping 2016 brings with it better news for the series.

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