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Sequence to get Steam release

Acclaimed XBLIG "rhythm RPG" out soon.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Critically lauded "rhythm RPG" Sequence gets a Steam release on 20th October, developer Iridium Studios has announced.

The game, which scored a hearty 9/10 and Game of the Week rosette from Eurogamer when it debuted on Xbox Live Indie Games earlier this year, sees you attempting to fight your way up a tower via beat-matching battles with an oddball cast of foes.

In exchange for $4.99 or your local equivalent, the developer is promising 12 hours of gameplay and 28 tracks from composers Ronald Jenkees and Michael Wade Hamilton.

"We're extremely happy to be working with Valve to get Sequence into the hands of as many gamers as possible," said Jason Wishnov, CEO of Iridium Studios. "Come February, we will probably ask them to be our Valentine."

Check out the trailer below for a closer look at how it all works, or refer back to our Sequence review for more on why we deemed it an essential purchase.

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