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Sega Classics on Steam now support modern console controllers

Gotta go 600FPS.

Sega Classics on Steam now support modern console controllers.

A new patch was released for Sega's emulator this week and it lets you use the PlayStation 4 (using custom DS4 Windows drivers available online), Xbox One and Steam Controller.

If you've got old controllers, perhaps PC remakes of Mega Drive pads, they make work as well, Sega said, but they're untested.

There's also support for simultaneous controller, mouse and keyboard assignment and control.

All this is controlled by a new input manager, which offers more customisation for button mapping.

Meanwhile, the patch improves the performance of the games. The headline here is Vsync now defaults to off (capped 120 frames per second when disabled). Sega recommends leaving it that way if you're having trouble with emulator performance.

And there's a new "stretched fullscreen" option that stretches the fullscreen video output to 16:9. This is off by default.

I like this line: apparently some people with powerful rigs were running Sega Classics in excess of 600 frames per second, causing overheating. Now that's a frame-rate!

For even lower graphics, you can enable "fastest" graphics.

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