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Sega announces Project Hell Yeah!

Big Bang Mini dev working on mystery project.

Sega has announced work on a mystery new title is underway, currently referred to only as Project Hell Yeah!.

It's being developed by French studio Arkedo, the developer behind under-the-radar DS curios Big Bang Mini and Nervous Brickdown.

There's no hint as to exactly what form the title takes other than references on the game's official site to "monsters... lots of them".

"Yup, SEGA signed us. Lucky them! Such a great day for SEGA! YAY SEGA!!!" read a blog post elsewhere on the site.

"Project Hell Yeah! was originally planned for the Dreamcast 2. Or maybe we are filthy liars, making things up, and just looking for attention by stealing someone's else thunder, forging fake information just for the kicks of it.

"Yeah OK, we lied: there is no DREAMCAST2 planned. No Dreamcast2 at all. Never was. (We are discussing potential DREAMCAST 2 in this post). There, we believe that we have written DrEaMcAsT2 in every possible way, for our little crawling friends.

"And yet, still no Dr3amc4st II in sight: seems incantation does not work, either. It's a lost cause. So celebrate about our game instead, ok?"

Sega CEO Mike Hayes' take on the situation was rather more sober.

"We're absolutely delighted to have signed Arkedo," he commented.

"Arkedo have proved to be at the forefront of innovative design and Project Hell Yeah! is sure to continue this trend."

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