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Sang-Froid dev reveals physics-based RTS Conflicks

Re-imagines the French Revolution in space, with chickens.

Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves developer Artifice Studio has revealed details about its upcoming physics-based RTS Conflicks: Revolutionary Space Battles.

Nobody calls me chicken.

The eccentric Montreal-based studio's latest title re-imagines the French Revolution as a series of space battles in an alternate history where Leonardo Da Vinci discovered the secret of space travel in 1519 from experimenting on egg yolks. As such, multiple factions have risen to the stars to do battle for cosmic territories like The Marches of Pygmalion and New Vienna.

According to Artifice's Adam Rotondo, "the game sort of plays like a galactic game of marbles, where the players must flick their ships across space to colonize planets and do combat with one another." It sounds a bit like a mix of Starcraft, Star Wars, Angry Birds and Monty Python.

Conflicks is in development for PC, Mac and Linux and will contain both a single-player campaign and multiplayer modes. For more information, check out its official dev blog.

It's still in its early days, but you can get a feel for Conflick's silly tone in its cinematic reveal trailer below.

I know Chris Donlan is chomping at the bit about this one after he pinpointed Sang-Froid as the game he was most jazzed to write about at the end of last year. "Sand-Froid is strange and special and more games from these guys is good times," he said upon hearing of Conflicks. "It's so f****** different from their last game too, which is super cool in its own right. I love it when people do really different stuff each time."

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