Raid: World War 2 sounds a lot like Payday set during World War 2
Nazi gold.
You wait 10 years for a World War 2 shooter, then loads turn up at once.
Starbreeze announced Raid: World War 2, a four-player co-op shooter that sounds a lot like Payday set in, you guessed it, World War 2.
Four players team up to fight and steal all across Europe, according to the official blurb. All the while you have to stop the Nazis.
The Payday comparison is apt - Raid is from Croatian studio Lion Game Lion, which has worked on Payday 2 DLC.
We don't have any gameplay footage, but we do have a cinematic trailer, below, and loads of screenshots.

Raid: World War 2 comes out on Steam on 26th September. A PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launch follows on 13th October. One to watch.