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Radio the Universe is one slick looking retro sci-fi action RPG

Already more than doubled its Kickstarter goal.

Radio the Universe looks like one of the best Super Nintendo games that never was. Indie developer 6e6e6e credited Symphony of the Night, Hotline Miami, Dark Souls and Yume Nikki as inspirations and they're readily apparent in the teaser trailer below.

Details about the plot are sparse, but it stars an unnamed female protagonist who awakens from a "deep, solitudinous sleep," to a "skyless and desolate labyrinth-city." Its cryptic cyberpunk tone, professional presentation and top-down action gameplay with an emphasis on exploration looks incredibly polished.

While Radio the Universe is "yet another Kickstarter game," the good news is its already more than doubled its modest $12,000 goal (which it met in less than 48 hours) with a current tally of $28,932, but that doesn't mean it can't use more money to hit some of its stretch goals before its deadline on 23rd January.

It already hit the $20,000 stretch goal for an expanded upper city hub, and the $27,000 stretch goal for a secondary weapon system. Looking ahead, at $34,000 another artist will be hired to spruce up the cutscenes and double their quantity, while $41,000 will extend the game by several locations.

Reward-wise for $10 you're guaranteed a PC copy of the game upon its estimated release in March 2014, while $25 grants backers a special edition of the game with Kickstarter exclusive content, a digital soundtrack and a digital artbook/manual, while the $70 hard copies are already sold out (though for $350 you can get all of the above with an original poster-sized piece of art on a wooden box backing). This definitely looks like one to keep an eye on.

'Players who die in-game die in real life.'

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