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Pro-vaping congressman takes heat after spending $1300 of campaign funds on Steam

Not like the money went up in smoke.

A Republican congressman is taking flak after allegedly spending more than $1300 of campaign funds on Steam games.

Nothing clouds his judgement.

California representative Duncan Hunter disclosed the payments - of which there were almost 70 between mid-October and mid-December last year - in a summary of his campaign finances.

The charges were listed as a "personal expense - to be paid back".

But there's no sign the money has been returned, The San Diego Union-Tribune reports (thanks, Zam).

Hunter previously found internet fame after a video emerged of him vaping during a congressional hearing on whether e-cigarettes should be banned on planes. (Hunter's position was that vaping should indeed be allowed).

He subsequently penned a blog on the subject, which begins: "Yes, I vape."

The congressman has now blamed his account's Steam spending on his son using his credit card, although Hunter himself has spoken of his love for games - and argued against the regulation of violent games.

Hunter is now being investigated by the Federal Election Commission over the matter. His response is due by 9th May.

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