Route 210 Pokémon, trainers, items and how to clear the Psyduck in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Our complete guide to Pokémon BDSP's trainers, items, and wild Pokémon.
Route 210 is your next stop in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, following on from Solaceon Town and Ruins in your adventure, and again later on for a return visit, too.
Below we'll take you through all the key details for the location, including any Pokémon encounters, trainers, and items that might be available, plus a walkthrough of your key objectives and anything else you'll need to know.
On this page:
Route 210 south Pokémon, trainers and items
Route 210 is a gigantic route, heading north from Solaceon Town until it meets Route 215 that jutts off to the east, and north again from their into a foggy area that you won't be able to reach until a fair bit later in the game, after you've gained the ability to clear the group of Psyduck that are blocking the path.
For now, we're sticking to the first part, which is Route 210 South, and pretty simple. There are a fair few trainers, items, and wild Pokémon, plus a Café which has a load of trainers inside, and a person who'll sell you Moomoo Milk, a healing item that's much better value for money than regular Potions, so stock up!

There is also a Honey Tree on this route, which has its own Honey Tree Pokémon spawn list.
Available Pokémon
Pokémon | Availability |
Ponyta | Grass |
Chansey | Grass (rare) |
Geodude | Grass |
Kricketune | Grass |
Mime Jr. | Grass (rare, Diamond only) |
Bonsly | Grass (rare, Pearl only) |
Items | Location |
4x Aspear Berries | On right as you enter the route from the south |
2x Razz Berries | On right as you enter the route from the south |
2x Pinap Berries | On right as you enter the route from the south |
3x TM51 Roost | From bird trainer on ledge on right of route overlooking honey tree |
Great Ball | Up left hand side of route requiring bike to access |
Moomoo Milk | Bought from Café |
Trainers and Opponents
Trainers | Pokémon | Level |
Rancher Marco | Aipom Psyduck Girafarig | Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.17 |
Ranchers Ava and Matt | Stunky / Glameow | Lv. 21 / Lv. 21 |
Twins Teri and Tia | Pikachu / Clefairy | Lv. 21 / Lv. 21 |
Pokémon Breeder Kahlil | Pichu Pikachu Happiny | Lv.18 Lv.19 Lv.17 |
Pokémon Breeder Amber | Cleffa Happiny Clefairy | Lv.19 Lv.18 Lv.17 |
Waitress Kati | Clefairy | Lv.22 |
Collector Fernando | Mr. Mime Mr. Mime Mr. Mime | Lv.17 Lv.20 Lv.20 |
Collector Edwin | Sudowoodo Sudowoodo Sudowoodo | Lv.19 Lv.19 Lv.19 |
With those Psyduck blocking the way north, head east next, to Route 215!
How to clear the Psyduck and Route 210 north Pokémon, trainers and items
Eventually, it'll be time to return to Route 210 and access the northern part of it. To do so you'll need to clear those Psyduck out of the way!
To move the Psyduck, you'll need to get the Secret Medicine from Cynthia, which you'll obtain after visiting Pastoria City later on and then, once you're done there, chasing the Team Galactic Grunt all the way to Valor Lakefront and defeating him.
Interact with the Psyduck once you have that Secret Medicine and it'll clear up their terrible headaches, allowing you to get by. After that, there's a massive portion of the route left: first a clear section, then a foggy section further north. To access absolutely everything, you'll need to return here when you have the Pokétch apps for Surf, Waterfall, and Rock Climb, as well as Defog which you'll have already by now.

Once you reach the thick fog where it gets hard to see, use the Defog app from your Pokétch to clear it, so you can continue onwards! Return again with those extra HMs to access a Move Tutor in a house who teaches your Dragon-type Pokémon with high friendship the move Draco Meteor, and a few other rare items.
Available Pokémon
Pokémon | Availability |
Meditite | Leafy grass |
Machoke | Leafy grass |
Bibarel | Leafy grass |
Psyduck | Leafy grass |
Hoothoot | Leafy grass (night) |
Noctowl | Leafy grass (night) |
Note that at first, in the clear area, the Pokémon spawns are the same as those for Route 210 South, listed in the section above.
There is also a Honey Tree on this route, which has its own Honey Tree Pokémon spawn list.
Items | Location |
Ether | Hidden - in large grass patch to the left |
Super Repel | By tree on left corner of large grass patch |
Hyper Potion | Hidden - in large grass patch centre-right |
Hyper Potion | In clearing in large grass patch |
Burn Heal | Hidden - in top right of large grass patch by Ninja Boy Bruce |
Full Heal | Hidden - top left of large grass patch |
Ultra Ball | Top right corner of leafy grass patch |
TM30 Shadow Ball | On ledge at end of two bike rails/logs |
Smoke Ball | Under bridge by Ninja Boy Nathan |
2x Sitrus Berries | Area up stairs by Veteran Brian |
2x Chesto Berries | Area up stairs by Veteran Brian |
2x Wiki Berries | Area up stairs by Veteran Brian |
2x Aguav Berries | Area up stairs by Veteran Brian |
Trainers and Opponents
Trainers | Pokémon | Level |
Ninja Boy Bruce | Stunky | Lv.27 |
Ninja Boy Brennan | Zubat Skorupi | Lv.25 Lv.25 |
Ninja Boy Fabian | Geodude Geodude Geodude | Lv.23 Lv.23 Lv.26 |
Ninja Boy Joel | Zubat Skorupi Zubat Golbat | Lv.23 Lv.25 Lv.23 Lv.25 |
Ace Trainer Alyssa | Ponyta Grotle | Lv.27 Lv.27 |
Double Team Jen and Zac | Gyarados / Raichu | Lv.27 / Lv.27 |
Ace Trainer Ernest | Mothim Onix Luxio | Lv.25 Lv.26 Lv.27 |
Ninja Boy Davey | Dustox | Lv.27 |
Black Belt Adam | Machoke | Lv.29 |
Ninja Boy Nathan | Croagunk Golbat | Lv.25 Lv.25 |
Bird Keeper Brianna | Hoothoot Noctowl | Lv.27 Lv.27 |
Veteran Brian | Buizel Girafarig Machoke | Lv.26 Lv.26 Lv.26 |
After Route 210 North, the next stop is Celestic Town!
For more guides and links to the rest of our walkthrough pages meanwhile, return to our main Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl walkthrough hub.