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PlayStation 5 launch day live

Make room! The chunky boi has landed.

And now the next generation is fully here! Microsoft started off the party last week, and Sony's arriving fashionably late with the launch of its PlayStation 5 in the UK today (Nintendo meanwhile is sulking upstairs saying the real next-gen started with the Switch back in 2017, actually). Join us throughout the day as we chart the events of PlayStation 5's first day in the wild.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Good morning, hello, hi and how do you do?

Martin Robinson

And what a fine day it promises to be.

Martin Robinson

Unless you ordered your PlayStation 5 through Game, or have been assigned Yodel as your delivery agent...

Martin Robinson

But there is still hope for you! We'll be keeping an eye on updates, running through the launch day news and, well, generally just chatting nonsense with you all here throughout the day.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

SevenOutOfTen: I stupidly bought through GAME and have been swapped over to Yodel at the last second... apparently my console is sitting over in the next city, but has yet to be put in the van for delivery. The temptation to cycle over and raid the depot is higher than it should be for someone in their late 20's who just wants to plug a bit of plastic into his TV so he can play Spider-Man.

Best of luck to you!

Martin Robinson

And of course if you want to find out what's worth playing on launch day, check out our reviews of the brilliant Demon's Souls and pack-in title Astro's Playroom.

Martin Robinson

We'll have reviews for Sackboy: A Big Adventure for you a bit later this morning (it sounds like a very good time) and the slightly less promising Godfall early tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

That's my little bit of admin and shameless self-promotion out of the way - sorry about that.

Martin Robinson

I feel awfully privileged that I've had mine for a couple of weeks - I will say to all those waiting, though, that you're in for a lovely time.

Martin Robinson

I don't think I've been quite so enamoured with a piece of Sony hardware since the PSP/PS2 days.

Martin Robinson

Though given how dry the PlayStation 4 was, and how much of a misstep the PlayStation 3 was, that's not saying much. But still! This thing is awesome.

Martin Robinson

It helps that it's a console that comes with a real personality of its own (how can it not given how ostentatious it looks!)

Martin Robinson

Good morning everybody!

Robert Purchese

Mine has arrived!

Robert Purchese

Live unboxing please Bertie!

Martin Robinson

My delivery driver wasn't as chirpy this time. I don't think he really understood what he was delivering! So when I asked him if I could - "and I know this is a bit unusual" - take his picture, he looked at me like I'd just shat on his foot.

Robert Purchese

"OK," he eventually answered. "But not the face."

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

I must say, the unboxing experience wasn't quite as nice as with Xbox. It's a more traditional tip and shake procedure with PlayStation 5 (don't actually shake the contents out). Less of a treasure chest-style reveal.

Robert Purchese

el_pollo_diablo: Important Question - will you be wiping down the box with antiseptic before you open it?

That is a good question! No but I do wash my hands after opening the cardboard, before I get to the more protected innards.

Robert Purchese

The PlayStation 5 box is terrible. There, I said it.

Martin Robinson

There's no sense of occasion to it, like there is with the Series X box. It's just a flimsy sleeve that'd already torn by the time it arrived at mine.

Martin Robinson

This is probably the most boring picture you'll ever see of PlayStation 5, but here's what it looks like, looking into the box. I mean, there's almost what looks like a face, but that's about as exciting as it gets.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

I actually can't believe no-one's done a taste test or taste comparison yet.

Martin Robinson

Bertie, can you lick it please?

Martin Robinson

Versus - and apologies for putting this in the PlayStation live stream (don't hate me!) - this.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Funny you should ask me to lick it actually, Martin!

Robert Purchese

The machine was so cold, presumably having been in a very non-cosy warehouse overnight, that when I shook it out of the box (again, don't shake the console out of the box), it started to gather condensation on it's sheer white collared sides. It was like a cactus in the desert, drawing up moisture so a friendly animal could come and lick it!

Robert Purchese

I'm sorry, I'm getting a bit over excited. It was more of a dehumidifier than cactus.

Robert Purchese

And you're that friendly animal!

Martin Robinson

Also, I must say, the PlayStation 5 is not big on 'fitting in'.

Robert Purchese

Heck, it's just big full stop.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

It is as tall as the table holding my telly!

Robert Purchese

I had to rearrange everything to fit it in, the gaudy old beast.

Robert Purchese

Note the Warcraft orc to the side there. I'm a real connoisseur.

Robert Purchese

_TheDarkSide_: Xbox wins the box-off! That Xbox box is a very nice box... Nice and boxy.

It is! Lovely crisp, sharp sides. It's gorgeous.

Robert Purchese

el_pollo_diablo: That Panasonic amp is looking very nervous.

Haha - and very old! You should feel the heat it pumps out! My cat loves it.

Robert Purchese

AkumaG: Isn't it bad for disc scratchy scratchy to have a console on carpet?

I have no idea! But I'm not going to rub them around the carpet, if that's what you're getting at.

Robert Purchese

But then, I like to think of the PlayStation 5 as deliberately not wanting to fit in. It reminds me of a particular classic car.

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

Mostly because it's exactly the same size.

Robert Purchese

LordDemigod: @Robert Purchese Turning on hardware that has just arrived cold, especially in winter months, is #1 way to kill your equipment early. As you noticed condensation is gathering on the console, it will appear on the inside as well. You always let your tech warm up before switching it on.

Thank you! In that case, this live report has saved me, for I have not turned it on yet!

Robert Purchese

Oh, I wanted to add that I really appreciate both consoles arriving without any polystyrene, and with minimal plastic at all. The machine and controller were wrapped in one of those soft plastic blankets, and there's a plastic handle on the box, but that's it. I don't think there was any plastic on the Xbox Series S box. Baby steps!

Robert Purchese

Or in the Xbox Series S box. The more I think about it, the more that impresses me. Bravo Microsoft!

Robert Purchese

Yes it's much nicer not on the stand, isn't it? Does it - and I apologise for not knowing this, but I'm not going to start pretend being knowledgeable now - definitely need to be mounted on the stand? Is there a cooling or operational benefit to it? Because if there's not... Well, when your console is a big as a human child, why put it in heels as well?

Robert Purchese

MistahParker: Can somebody please send enormous amounts of love to whoever is running the JellyDeals Twitter account? I managed to get mine mid-September from Very and is out for delivery now, and also get one for my nephew today arriving before Christmas. Both because of that account

I certainly can!

Robert Purchese

ShiftyGeezer: @ Darkside : "Bertie... Are you tempted to take the rest of the day off? ;-)" He literally gets paid to play PS5 all day and call it games journalism, reporting on the experience. How awesome is that?!

Haha, shh, don't make it sound like that!

Robert Purchese

Apparently you need to use the stand even when horizontal, due to the way the console curves. (Now's a good time to plug our PS5 stand explainer, especially since it's actually more complicated than you think, and involves removing a screw which I definitely won't lose when my own console arrives later today.)

Matthew Reynolds

I knew that, Matt! I promise I did.

Robert Purchese

el_pollo_diablo: If anyone does have their machine delayed until tomorrow or Saturday, do be nice to the delivery person. It isn't their fault and they've kept this country going all year.

That is a very lovely sentiment, and worth everyone bearing in mind, even if your delivery driver doesn't want you to take a picture of them.

Robert Purchese

Congratulations everyone else whose new PlayStation 5s have arrived, and commiserations those of you having delivery nightmares. That really sucks and I feel for you. Hang in there!

Robert Purchese

On a different note:

Robert Purchese

There have been no sightings of Gregg's hamper at Eurogamer towers.

Robert Purchese

Also, I'm sure you've all seen this, but:

Robert Purchese

blarts: I'm personally surprised no one has yet made the connection between the Series X and the PS5 being akin to Barad-dûr and Orthanc from LOTR.

You say that...

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

A reminder: Jelly Deals will be tracking all the places to buy PS5 today, if you're still after buying one.

Robert Purchese

I ordered mine back in September when I was half-way up a mountain in Bulgaria. Seriously. Great 4G coverage out there.

Robert Purchese

IainGamer: Well had mine since about 9.30 and after all the setup now playing Astro Playroom and just loving it!! A great idea to have an installed game like this to keep you entertained while downloading Spider-Man. How many actually using the stand when vertical? Forgot to put mine on but like it without it.

This is a great idea! Particularly Astro's Playroom is an amazing demonstration of the new things PS5 can do.

Robert Purchese

Not long now until the lovely video team get going on their launch day extravaganza.

Robert Purchese

But note, there seem to be some teething problems with the PS5 launch. As Wes reports: "PS5 launches in the UK with a pretty serious "queued for download" bug".

Robert Purchese

The practical implications of that bug being:

Robert Purchese

ShiftyGeezer: The other more serious bug seems to be the rest mode bug bricking consoles. Probably worth suggesting users disable that until it's confirmed safe.

Worth noting!

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

I really love the new DualSense controller design, although I do not love the way Sony gives controllers fancy names. "PS5 pad" is good enough for me.

Robert Purchese

Boooo_urns: It really does look like the old Carling pump of yester year.

Haha - yes it does!

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

For reference.

Robert Purchese

minmax: Mine just arrived. It’s instant and permanent love. I’ll tell you this. Everything they say about the controller is true. Astounding. Demon’s Souls installing... Wishing you all happy gaming if you’re getting yours today.

Infectious happiness! Enjoy!

Robert Purchese

curtlikesmeat: Hey everyone, skipping the console launches this time but hoping you have a great day. Just come by to soak up some of the new console excitement! There's nothing like new console / new PC day, especially when the generations are so long these days! Have nice.

How marvellously nice of you!

Robert Purchese

This just in:

Robert Purchese

JayArr: Up until two days ago I thought I was definitely getting a PS5 today from Ebuyer. Yesterday morning I started having doubts, seeing other people report that their payments had been taken while mine hadn't. Yesterday evening Ebuyer finally confirmed that they were never getting the stock to meet all the preorders they happily took in September. They just kept silent for as long as possible. Bunch of sods. Looks like I'm waiting indefinitely to get my new toy. Enjoy yours if you have it!

Oh that sucks. Sorry to hear it. But good things come to people who wait, just you wait and see! And I don't just mean Heinz Ketchup. That wouldn't be worth the wait.

Robert Purchese

Matthew Reynolds

Mine has arrived! Now to patiently wait until lunch to set it up and get everything downloading over the afternoon.

Matthew Reynolds

Yes it is a bit of a faff getting it all updated and signed in and what not. I mean, who can honestly remember their PlayStation password these days? No, just me?

Robert Purchese

Sixtoe: I've been on a conference call all morning and have finally been called out for jumping out of my chair and running for the front door each time I hear something which could even passably be considered a van in the road... This really feels like the excitement of xmas come early, except I'm looking forward to this :D

Haha - brilliant!

Robert Purchese

Username69: The controlller really is great. Shame I had to take the front of the house off to get it through the door

The controller is wonderful! I've just been playing around a bit in Astro's Playroom and my goodness, that HD rumble, and the haptic feedback in the triggers. The moment when you fire Astro's rocket boosters with the triggers for the first time is incredible. I can't wait to see what other games do with it.

Robert Purchese

Like this, you mean?

Robert Purchese

Bush_Killa-73: The eagle has landed! The delivery driver said I've a about 100+ of those in my van what is it a hamper? When I told him what it was his eyes widened and he said Ya beauty I'll be making some serious cash off them tonight!! Wtf lol. Hopefully he was joking!! Happy launch day guys I'm about to start work but off Fri sat thank fuck!!

Haha - goodness! I hope he was joking.

Robert Purchese

Matt Reynolds drops the tweet everyone was waiting for.

Robert Purchese

Thanks Bertie! Though it looks big in comparison, the PS5 is actually smaller than I was expecting based on everything I've heard. Anyone else unboxing today think the same?

Matthew Reynolds

Robert Purchese

Looking for another game to play on PS5? Don't forget Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Vikky reviewed it and really liked it. "A breezy delight of an adventure," she called it.

Robert Purchese

Other PS5-related bits you may find interesting:
Watch on YouTube
Watch on YouTube

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

DarkBytes: Didn't pre order, managed to get one from John Lewis this morning, being delivered tomorrow, chuffed!

Goodness! Bravo!

Robert Purchese

weebleman: 88 stops to go...

Crikey. You need to invent a game to play while you count down the stops. You could have a drink for every stop cleared but you might get very drunk, and then who knows what you'll do with your PS5 when it arrives.

Robert Purchese

Something I'm impressed with is the PS4 data transfer process. It's pretty granular - you can select specific games (I put everything I wanted on an external hard drive ahead of time) as well as individual users; it's mainly just me using the console, but I forgot I had some Japan and US store accounts, which is handy. Saves, meanwhile, is everything attached to those accounts - amounting to 20GB of data (!) - but didn't take longer than 5 minutes to transfer across.

Matthew Reynolds

You've now made me feel very worried that I haven't transferred any PS4 data, Matt.

Robert Purchese

But I did put the PS4 inside the PS5 box, which is basically the same thing. Isn't it?

Robert Purchese

Robert Purchese

joe2: That link 15:15 is broken..

What a silly sausage I am! Thanks!

Robert Purchese

weebleman: Obligatory 69 stops away update

We're rooting for you, Weeble!

Robert Purchese

Well, it's been quite a day. I hope those of you waiting for your PS5s to arrive get them safe and sound this afternoon and evening. Sorry you've had to wait so long. We will be following stories of stock shortages throughout the week as they happen, and pursuing any stories about bugs and issues with the PS5 system itself. Otherwise, enjoy your new toy. We'll be winding down the live report from here. Thank you for joining us - it's been fun!

Robert Purchese

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