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Playdead's revered Inside heading to Nintendo Switch

Arnt it brilliant!

The meticulous, mysterious and award-winning Inside appears to be heading to Nintendo Switch and iOS.

Japanese publication Famitsu heard the news from Inside creator Arnt Jensen while he was on a tour of Japan, dinnering with The Last Guardian maker Fumito Ueda and team, and Metal Gear Solid maker Hideo Kojima and team. They all seem to be having a lovely time in the pictures on Twitter.

There are no dates or details for the Switch or iOS versions of Switch.

Inside is from the team behind Limbo, and both games are widely acclaimed to put it mildly. Technically speaking, Inside is an evening's worth of side-on platforming, but it is so beautifully put together, so dark and obscure, describing it mechanically seems a disservice. It is a delightfully made, thought-provoking game. Christian Donlan Recommended Inside in our review.

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