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Pizza Hut launches Xbox 360 delivery app

Build your own toppings with Kinect.

Microsoft has announced Pizza Hut for Xbox, a new Xbox 360 app that lets you order your dinner without having to leave your games console.

You can book a delivery and choose your order from the full Pizza Hut menu - pizza, pasta, sides and drinks - and create your own pizza toppings.

The whole thing is compatible with Kinect, meaning that you can put together a pizza with a few arm waves and soon have it sent to your door.

Pizza Hut for Xbox marks a new era for Xbox 360 - it's the first time an entertainment app has allowed for the purchase and delivery of physical goods.

The app even connects to your Facebook account, allowing you to post details of your dinner order for your friends and relatives to see.

Pizza Hut for Xbox launches today in the US, and includes a 15 per cent discount for the first two weeks. We're chasing Microsoft now for details of a UK release.

"We're always looking at ways to give our audience more of what they're interested in," Microsoft mouthpiece Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb told Polygon.

"If you look at our audience, they love pizza. I mean, who doesn't? It has international appeal, and Pizza Hut is a recognised brand that matches up well with the Xbox brand."

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