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Persona 5 is in the pipeline

"We are preparing to start work" - Atlus.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Atlus' much-loved, cult RPG series Shin Megami Tensei: Persona is set to return, according to a comment in Japanese magazine Dengeki PlayStation.

As reported by Kotaku, Katsura Hashino, director of the last two instalments on PS2, told the mag: "We are preparing to start work on the next Persona."

"I want to add things that are being expected of the series. I also want to change things that can be changed within those boundaries," he said. Uncontroversial perhaps, but the Persona games are so critically acclaimed that it's probably not worth fixing what obviously is not broken.

There's no word on format, although the smart money would probably be on the previously PS2-exclusive series making the jump to PS3.

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