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PC racing sim promises top player real-life apprenticeship

V1 Championship offers Renault Clio Cup slot.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

New PC racing simulator V1 Championship is promising one top player a year-long £100,000 apprenticeship competing in the 2012 Renault Clio Cup.

Developed over the last four years, the sim subjects aspiring racers to a host of different measurements designed to assess driving ability, including physiological and psychometric tests to gauge style and attitude.

All those who shell out £39.50 for the sim gain automatic entry into the competition, with the 10 best performers given the opportunity to take place in on-track qualifiers to assess their offline skills.

One winner will then be selected for the main prize which will see them entered into next year's Renault Clio Cup where they'll be mentored by British Touring Car Championship veteran Jason Plato.

Runners-up get two tickets for a weekend at the British Touring Car Championship.

"This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who thinks they have the makings of a racing driver," commented V1 co-founder Jay Marshall.

"For years I have watched the gulf between the haves and the have-nots widen. Time and time again I have seen really talented drivers being passed over for those with the right connections or financial backing.

"I now look forward to developing and promoting genuine talent no matter what their social or financial background."

Have a look at the clip below to see the sim in action.

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