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Original Xbox Live show after actors

Girl in Bikini must "look great in bikini".

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Hollywood writer James Gunn (Dawn of the Dead, Slither) has begun the hunt for a group of actors to star in original content for Xbox Live Video Store.

The show is described on casting site Actors Access as the "wacky adventures of a group of friends", according to G4.

Among the parts to be filled is "Girl in Bikini", who must be "super-hot, good with comedy" and "must look great in bikini".

Filming is set to begin in May, apparently, with the first batch of content expected on Xbox Live Video Store this summer.

Microsoft teamed up with Hollywood producer Peter Safran in late March. The idea was to create six short-length pieces of original content covering comedy, horror and science-fiction genres.

The "young-male" Xbox audience was described as the perfect demographical match for what Safran had in mind, and money is to be made from advertising and electronic distribution.

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