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Oliver Twins admit defeat in Dizzy Returns Kickstarter

May revisit a new Dizzy in the future.

The Oliver Twins have admitted defeat in the Dizzy Returns Kickstarter.

With seven days left of the crowd-funding drive £24,605 had been raised from 774 backers - over £325,000 shy of the £350,000 target.

“Dizzy Returns in all likelihood won't meet its funding target,” the pair wrote in an update on the Dizzy Returns Kickstarter page called "Facing the inevitable".

“There's certainly no shame in admitting that though, and we believe that rather than posting updates under the pretence that we might hit our target, it's much better to be honest and upfront with you, our backers.”

Andrew and Philip Oliver, who created Dizzy back in the '80s and founded UK game developer Blitz Games, said the development team were unable to show a demo or some gameplay footage because they hadn't started making the game. “As we have learnt all too well, starting the campaign this early in pre-development has made it much harder to communicate our vision of Dizzy Returns," they explained, "and there's no denying that we should and could have done this better.”

The Olivers said the Kickstarter proved there was interest in a new Dizzy game, but for one smaller than originally conceived. “We may revisit the possibility of another Dizzy game at a later date, but the vision of that game would need to be considerably different.”

Blitz will use the next seven days to share concept work and designs. As per Kickstarter's policy on unsuccessful projects, all those who contributed will not be charged.

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