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Official Raspberry Pi Store launches

Shop till you drop.

The official store for the Raspberry Pi, the credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard, launches today.

It can be accessed through the Raspbian operating system itself and through any non-Pi browser. Available are free and paid games, apps, tutorials and development tools.

IndieCity, the game platform from UK developer Blitz Games, helped build the store. There's a “tip jar” feature which lets people reward creators of free software on a voluntary basis.

“With the Raspberry Pi finally having a dedicated software store, it's going to bring together the already-thriving Pi community in a way that's simply not been possible before,” said Eben Upton of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

“Our driving aim has always been to use Raspberry Pi to encourage and introduce a generation of children to programming and creative computer science. By now enabling Raspberry Pi users of all ages to gain critical and commercial success from their work through the new Pi Store we also believe it will be a powerful incentive for others to get involved and further spread the word.”

The latest release of Raspbian can be downloaded by Raspberry Pi users here. Everyone else can access through a browser from IndieCity.

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