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Oculus recruits another Valve alum

Welcomes Aaron Nicholls to the team.

Yet another Valve staffer has jumped ship to Oculus following the VR company's acquisition by Facebook. This time out it's Aaron Nicholls, who previously worked on "gameplay, design and system work" according to his bio on Valve's staff page.

Aaron Nicholls.

"We're thrilled to welcome Aaron Nicholls to the team!" Oculus announced on Twitter. "He'll be working out of the Bellevue R&D lab with Atman and crew."

Prior to joining Valve, Nicholls had previously worked at Microsoft Studios where he had a hand in developing Gears of War, Halo 3 and Jade Empire.

Nicholls is the fourth Valve employee to make the move to Oculus in the last year. Just last week VR specialist Michael Abrash made the leap, while Valve's VR project lead Atman Binstock did the same only a month ago, while Tom Forsyth started the trend last May, before it was cool.

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